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Fixed Penalty Notices for transporting controlled waste without authority

If you carry controlled waste without the authority to do so you're committing an offence under the Control of Pollution Act 1989.

If you transfer waste to an unauthorised person you're committing an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

You can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) if you are found to be carrying or transferring controlled waste without authority.

A licence is required if you transport waste as part of your business:

  • if you carry other peoples waste then you will need an upper tier waste carriers licence
  • if your own waste is construction related (for example, bricks) then you will also need an upper tier waste carriers licence
  • a licence lasts for 3 years

In order to obtain a waste carriers licence you can register, or find out further information on the Waste Carriers Licence website.

We proactively monitor through a combination of patrols and stop and search operations in partnership with North Yorkshire Police.

Failure to produce written waste information

You should ensure that you provide a written description of any waste transferred to other person(s) to avoid contravention of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

You can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) if you fail to produce written waste information when asked to do so.

If you receive an FPN for waste offences

Find out what happens when you receive an FPN and how to pay an FPN.

Read more about Fixed Penalty Notices on GOV.UK.

Definition of controlled waste

The types of waste covered include:

  • domestic waste
  • commercial waste
  • industrial waste

These are regulated because they may be toxic, hazardous and because of their capability to do harm to human health or the environment.

Report a waste authority offence

Report a waste authority offence by contacting the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team.

When doing so it will help if you can provide some or all of the following details:

  • details of the actions being carried out
  • the business or individual's name and address
  • the date and time that you witnessed the offence
  • the location where you witnessed the offence
  • your name and contact details (which will remain confidential)

We'll issue an FPN for fly-tipping if you're able to provide a full witness statement that contains sufficient evidence to identify the offender and demonstrate a prosecutable offence has taken place.

Also see

Neighbourhood Enforcement Team

Community Safety Hub

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551555