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Advice on stop taps

The 'stop tap' (or stopcock) is a valve for turning the cold water system in your home on and off - it's important to know where the stop tap for your home is located.

Using the stop tap

  • turn the stop tap in a clockwise direction to turn water supply off
  • turn the stop tap in an anti-clockwise direction to turn the water supply on

Stop taps are usually located in the kitchen, below the sink unit. However, yours could be in a different location such as a front or back hall, or in the garage or utility area.

If you are a new tenant your Housing Management Officer will show you where the stop tap is in your home.

Check your stop tap

It is important that you know where your stop tap is, and that you check that your stop tap is working, so that it can be turned off (and stop pipes flooding) in an emergency.

To check your stop tap:

  1. run the cold water tap in your kitchen sink
  2. turn the stop tap in a clockwise direction
  3. check that the cold water stops flowing into the kitchen sink - this is what's supposed to happen
  4. turn the stop tap anti-clockwise
  5. check the water starts flowing again
  6. turn off the cold tap in your kitchen sink

If your stop tap is not working, please contact the Housing Repairs Team.

Also see

Housing Repairs

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 551550

Housing Repairs - Out of hours emergencies

Telephone: 01904 630405/427699