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Oil and solid fuel safety checks

We carry out a safety check every year in all our council homes fitted with oil or solid fuel heating. This service helps to make sure that our appliances are completely safe and that they are working properly.

Faulty appliances can be dangerous as they may cause carbon monoxide poisoning.  

Carbon monoxide can kill without warning in just a few hours:

  • you can't see it
  • you can't taste it
  • you can't even smell it

If you don't let us check your oil-fired or solid-fuel appliances, you may be putting your life at risk.

Oil and solid-fuel safety check appointments

As part of your tenancy agreement, you must let our engineers into your home to carry out this essential work.

We carry out safety checks every year. We will get in touch with you to arrange an appointment to carry out the service.

Further information

OFTEC offers safety advice on oil-fired heating.

Also see

Housing Repairs

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 551550

Housing Repairs - Out of Hours Emergencies

Telephone: 01904 630405/427699