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Our Open Housing portal

Our Open Housing portal brings together housing services, such as:

  • council housing
  • temporary accommodation
  • resettlement services
  • housing management
  • housing repairs
  • planned maintenance
  • minor adaptations
  • leaseholder services

Our Open Housing portal can be used by all housing customers, including:

  • people applying for a council home
  • people who are homeless
  • council tenants and leaseholders

Companies and contractors working with us to provide housing services will have access to the Open Housing contractor portal; work orders, email notifications, job updates, documentation, invoices and other financial processes are all streamlined and more efficient.

Your Open Housing account

Set up or log in to your Open Housing account:

Open Housing portal

Once you have an account you'll be able to:

  • check your rent account, and see when rent is due
  • update details about you and your household
  • contact housing staff
  • view your repair history and upcoming planned works
  • apply for a council house in our area
  • companies and contractors working with us to provide housing services will have access to the Open Housing contractor portal; work orders, email notifications, job updates, documentation, invoices and other financial processes are all streamlined and more efficient

Open Housing improvements

The Open Housing portal will continue to be improved to bring you access to more services online.

In future:

  • tenants will be able to set up and amend Direct Debits, and request and schedule repairs

Also see

Open Housing

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
User account icon

Access another account

You must register for each of our portals separately; creating an account in one won't enable access to other online services. Separate sign in details are needed for accounts relating to reporting problems, parking, planning, housing, waste, and jobs.

Council portals and accounts