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- Location
Castle car park
Tower Street
YO1 9SA - Hours and charges
Open 24 hours. Charges apply from 8.00am to midnight. Charges apply every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays.
No maximum stay.
Length of stay Pay and display Minster Badge holder Length of stay: Up to 1 hour Pay and display: £3.40 Minster Badge holder: £3.10 Length of stay: Up to 2 hours Pay and display: £6.80 Minster Badge holder: £6.20 Length of stay: Up to 3 hours Pay and display: £10.20 Minster Badge holder: £9.30 Length of stay: Up to 4 hours Pay and display: £13.60 Minster Badge holder: £12.40 Length of stay: Up to 5 hours Pay and display: £17.00 Minster Badge holder: £15.50 Length of stay: Over 5 hours Pay and display: +£3.40 per hour Minster Badge holder: +£3.10 per hour Length of stay: Evening parking - 6.00pm to 8.00am Pay and display: £4.00 Minster Badge holder: £1.00 Please note that if you choose to receive text message alerts in connection with the pay by phone service, you may face higher costs:
- optional text messages to confirm your parking session are charged at 20p per message
- optional text messages to alert you when your parking is running out are charged at 20p per message
- please note that a 15p service charge applies to all pay by phone payments
- Evening parking
The evening parking charge covers:
- All days, 6.00pm to midnight
York residents' Minster Badge holders can park for £1.00 from 6.00pm to midnight.
For all customers (excluding Minster Badge holders):
- if you arrive before 6.00pm and want to stay into the evening you must buy a single ticket which covers up to 6.00pm and the evening charge
- all day tickets automatically include the evening charge
- you should check the expiry time on the meter screen before pressing the green button for your ticket
- parking after midnight is free until 8.00am the following day
- tickets which include the evening charge are valid until 8.00am the following day
- Park and pay by phone
Find out how to park and pay by phone in this car park.
The location number for this car park is 808748.
- Anti-idling enforcement
Please note, if your vehicle is parked the engine should be switched off. If you leave your engine running, you may be issued with a penalty charge notice.
Find out more about our anti-idling campaign.
- Accessible parking
There are 30 dedicated Blue Badge parking bays which are available for Blue Badge holders only. In addition, Blue Badge holders can park in any bay in this car park, free of charge, for as long as they want.
Find out about other Blue Badge Parking arrangements in York and wider city centre access for disabled people.
- Nearest Changing Place
See details of the route from Castle car park to Silver Street Changing Place (distance: 438 metres, time: approximately 7 minutes walk).
- Number of spaces
- Standard: 268
- Blue Badge parking: 30
- Electric: 0
- Car Club: 0
- Electric vehicle charging points: No
- Car park facilities
- Height restrictions: No
- Motorcycle parking: No (see: Motorcycle Moped Parking in York)
- Lorry parking: No (see: York Lorry Park)
- Motorhome parking: No (see: Motorhome parking in York)
- Toilets: Coppergate Shopping Centre public toilets - Adjacent to car park
- CCTV: Yes
- People's Parking accreditation: Yes
- Payment options
- Type of Parking System: Pay and Display
- Pay by cash: Yes (coins only)
- Pay by debit/credit card: Yes (2 machines)
- Pay by phone: Yes
- Season ticket: Yes
- Resident contract permit: No
- York residents' Minster Badge: Yes
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