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Police and crime commissioner election results

Police and crime commissioner election results

Results from the Police and crime commissioner election which took place on Thursday 5 May 2016 are as follows:

Find out more about first and second counts, which are part of a 'supplementary voting system'.

Declaration of the second count - North Yorkshire Police Area

The number of second preference votes cast for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election on Thursday 5 May 2016 in the North Yorkshire Police Area, were:

Name of candidate Number of votes
HOWLEY, Stephen, Labour Party 10,408
MULLIGAN, Julia, Rosemary, The Conservative Party Candidate 11,940

Rejected ballot papers for the counting of votes:

  • Want of official mark - 36
  • Voting for more than one candidate as to the second preference vote - 5,146
  • Writing or mark by which voter could be identified - 1,785
  • Unmarked as to the first preference vote - 693
  • Void for Uncertainty - 9

Total Rejected = 7,669

Further information

  • Total for candidates - 22,348
  • Total rejected - 7,669
  • Total - 30,017
  • Electorate - 603,707
  • Turnout - 22.47%

Janet Waggott, Police Area Returning Officer, declared the total number of valid first and second preference votes cast for each of the remaining candidates is as follows:

Candidate First preference votes Second preference votes Total preference votes
HOWLEY, Stephen 34,351 10,408 44,759
MULLIGAN, Julia, Rosemary 53,078 11,940 65,018

Julia, Rosemary MULLIGAN was duly elected to serve as Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire Police are.

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Electoral Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551007