Use this form to make a non-commercial request for Historic Environment Record (HER) information, for example, if you're a student, individual or community group, or require information for private study or research.
If you are a business or commercial entity, complete an online commercial HER request form.
See Historic Environment Record for further information and read our HER information policy before requesting a data search.
Your privacy and security
Please do not use this form to send anything of a confidential nature. We will contact you directly regarding your search - do not provide those details yet.
The details you provide via this form will be stored securely and used to reply to your application and keep you informed of the process.
We do not rent, sell or trade your personal information; please see our privacy statement.
*Please note: our system will 'time out' after 10 minutes, so for longer messages you may need to compose your feedback before starting this form. You can then 'paste' your text into this form once you're ready to send it.