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York Hungry Minds

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The council is committed to making York a healthier, fairer and more affordable, more sustainable and accessible place. You can read more about this commitment in the Council Plan, One City for all, 2023 to 2027.

Starting good health and wellbeing young is a key part of this commitment. Evidence suggests that providing children with healthy, nourishing food can make a significant difference to school attendance, concentration and their physical and mental wellbeing.

So we’re working with partners across the city, trialling universal Free School Meals pilots in a number of primary schools in York.

The current pilots include the provision of a free breakfast or a free lunch (for children in years 3 to 6), so the benefits of each option can be evaluated.

Initial research into the pilots showed that pupils taking in part in the schemes showed improved attendance and punctuality compared to their peers.

Pilot schools also saw evidence of improved behaviour, with staff noting improvements in the pupils’ focus and energy levels after receiving a free breakfast.

Initial research findings into the impact of the York universal Free School Meals pilot from:

Other areas sharing research about the health, attendance and wellbeing benefits of free school meals:

You can find out more about how to make donations to support York’s free school meals pilots at Two Ridings Community Foundation.

Hear more from Peter Roderick, Director of Public Health at City of York Council and David Skaith, Mayor of York and North Yorkshire (YouTube):

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