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FOI Disclosure Log April 2024

Use our Disclosure Logs before you make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to check whether we've answered a similar query recently under FOI or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR).

FOI requests in April 2024

To enquire about one of the FOI request we answered in April 2024, quote the reference number shown in this log:

Response date Reference number Summary of request Outcome
02/04/2024 RF-03471 Documents, including emails on social services decision to cut care plan hours, for home help Responded In full
02/04/2024 RF-04644 Public health funeral list Responded In full
02/04/2024 RF-04392 School Absence Fines Responded In full
02/04/2024 RF-04430 Non-resident drivers who have selected the 'resident' option issued tickets Responded In full
02/04/2024 RF-04603 Property search Responded In full
02/04/2024 RF-04606 Property search Responded In full
03/04/2024 RF-03878 ASC structure and contact details Responded as BAU
03/04/2024 RF-04297 Officer Register of Interests S.21
03/04/2024 RF-04223 Recycling - Paper and Cardboard S.43
03/04/2024 RF-04649 Property search Responded In full
04/04/2024 RF-03447 FOI/EIR data publication S.21
04/04/2024 RF-04322 Osbaldwick Gypsy Caravan Site S.12
04/04/2024 RF-03527 Weight management referral form Responded In full
04/04/2024 RF-04400 Adult training sessions cycle training Responded In full
05/04/2024 RF-04616 Temporary accommodation due to domestic abuse Responded In full
05/04/2024 RF-04436 Reports of blocked road drains Responded In full
08/04/2024 RF-04404 Supported Accommodation Information Request Responded In full
09/04/2024 RF-04487 Confirmation of potential actions of social worker regarding overcrowding S.21
10/04/2024 RF-02376 Adults and children receiving complex care Responded In full
10/04/2024 RF-04376 Who authorised the removal of hedge from fence Not pursued
10/04/2024 RF-04610 Software do you use for your payroll Responded In full
11/04/2024 RF-03469 Reports by your CSC Department for your Children's Safeguarding Partnership S.36
12/04/2024 RF-04254 All internal correspondence, minutes or records of decisions related to the planning application S.13
15/04/2024 RF-04444 Joint funding with NHS S.21
15/04/2024 RF-04576 Electricity price for street lights and flats Responded In full
16/04/2024 RF-04597 Electric vehicle chargers Responded In full
18/04/2024 RF-05194 Unadopted Road Burnholme Avenue Responded In full
18/04/2024 RF-04249 Parent and child placement information S.40
22/04/2024 RF-05200 Property search Responded In full
22/04/2024 RF-05201 Property search Responded In full
22/04/2024 RF-05397 Times schools have gone into lockdown/shelter in place between January 1, 2018 Information not held
22/04/2024 RF-05387 Social Prescribing Link Workers Responded In full
23/04/2024 RF-05381 Asking who is responsible for changes to traffic conditions and relocations of bus stops out front of station Responded as BAU
25/04/2024 RF-03846 Parking Penalty Charge Notices and appeals S.12
26/04/2024 RF-05367 Home education Responded In full
26/04/2024 RF-05388 Property search Responded In full
29/04/2024 RF-03707 EV vehicle lost time charging Housing repairs team Responded In full
29/04/2024 RF-05497 Follow-up request - Burton Stone Lane traffic calming northbound VAS queries Responded In full
30/04/2024 RF-05446 Property search Responded In full
30/04/2024 RF-05629 Phone line opening hours Responded as BAU

Also see


Corporate Governance Team - Information Governance

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554145