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FOI Disclosure Log August 2024

Use our Disclosure Logs before you make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to check whether we've answered a similar query recently under FOI or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR).

FOI requests in August 2024

To enquire about one of the FOI request we answered in August 2024, quote the reference number shown in this log:

Response date Reference number Summary of request Outcome
01/08/2024 RF-07982 SPD Prioritisation-Governance Concern - records on STLs and HMOs ( statutory and local designation) S.12(5)(a)
01/08/2024 RF-07312 Amendments only made to Traffic Order Responded in full
01/08/2024 RF-07807 EHCP issued over the last 5 years for a diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes S.12
01/08/2024 RF-07813 SEND and HHCP figures Responded in full
02/08/2024 RF-07896 Gypsies and Travellers under new local plan Responded in full
02/08/2024 RF-07683 Removal of tree - york quote & award S.13
02/08/2024 RF-07707 Roads in York have had the most PCNs distributed between June 2023 – June 2024. Responded in full
06/08/2024 RF-07866 Activity and information on CYC commercial properties on Coppergate and Museum Street S.43
06/08/2024 RF-08006 Telecare monitoring - in-house or outsourced provision Responded in full
07/08/2024 RF-07712 Trading Standards Service Survey Responded in full
07/08/2024 RF-08231 Council funded school transportation by taxi Responded in full
08/08/2024 RF-08011 policy, safeguards, procedures and processes for York's climate emergency Responded in full
08/08/2024 RF-08016 Romance Fraud Reports in 2024 Responded in full
08/08/2024 RF-08049 Total number of potholes reported on the roads and insurance claims 2022-2024 Responded in full
09/08/2024 RF-08359 Information on correspondence 26th October 2023 Responded in full
13/08/2024 RF-08151 Independent Care Act Advocacy S.21
15/08/2024 RF-08010 Request for Information for copy HMO Register S.24
15/08/2024 RF-08158 Property search Responded in full
15/08/2024 RF-08167 Property search Responded in full
15/08/2024 RF-08168 Property search Responded in full
16/08/2024 RF-08212 Many enquiries received were related to potholes Responded in full
16/08/2024 RF-08232 Temporary closure of Rufforth - Knapton cycle path Responded in full
19/08/2024 RF-08237 Property search Responded in full
19/08/2024 RF-08260 Domestic abuse and requesting for housing due to their emergency Responded in full
19/08/2024 RF-08268 Property search Responded in full
19/08/2024 RF-08515 Assistive devices in HMP & YOI Askham Grange Information not held
19/08/2024 RF-08164 Foster carers figures etc. 2018 to 2024 Responded in full
20/08/2024 RF-08302 SRP and SEN units within schools Responded in full
20/08/2024 RF-08306 Property search Responded in full
20/08/2024 RF-08435 Housing allocations policy, income thresholds S.21
20/08/2024 RF-05497 Follow-up request - Burton Stone Lane traffic calming northbound VAS queries Responded in full
21/08/2024 RF-08213 Property search Responded in full
22/08/2024 RF-08475 Records on CYC utilities and copy of previous response (RF-07498) S.21
22/08/2024 RF-08309 Property search Responded in full
22/08/2024 RF-08435 Housing allocations policy, income thresholds S.21
23/08/2024 RF-08005 Request unclear Not pursued
23/08/2024 RF-08443 Property search Responded in full
24/08/2024 RF-07964 Business cases for Stadium, James House and Guildhall S.12(4)(e)
27/08/2024 RF-08446 Property search Responded in full
27/08/2024 RF-08447 Property search Responded in full
27/08/2024 RF-08481 Additional docs for current Local Plan Working Group Responded in full
27/08/2024 RF-08499 Property search Responded in full
27/08/2024 RF-08513 Cost savings around charging for green collections Responded in full
27/08/2024 RF-07727 Records held by City of York Council on the property on Huntington road Responded in full
28/08/2024 RF-08302 SRP and SEN units within schools Responded in full
29/08/2024 RF-08525 Adopted highway information relating to 47 Rawcliffe Drive Information not held
29/08/2024 RF-08532 Parking Charge Notices Responded in full
30/08/2024 RF-08729 Schedule of woodlands already planted Responded as BAU
30/08/2024 RF-08689 Social housing tenants nationality and evictions numbers S.12(5)(a)
30/08/2024 RF-08694 Use of anti-social behaviour powers 2021 to 2023 Responded in full

Also see


Corporate Governance Team - Information Governance

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554145