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Schools and education

School admissions and parental responsibility

By submitting an application for a school place, you are stating that you have parental responsibility for the child stated on the form, or if you share parental responsibility, that you are in agreement with others regarding the preferences stated on the form/online application.

If we receive conflicting preferences, we will not be able to allocate a place for your child. We may require legal clarification before proceeding with applications in these circumstances.

Where there is joint residence, each case is considered on an individual basis. Please attach a covering note to your application if this is the case.

Please note that we cannot accept an application if you do not have parental responsibility for the child.

See more information on parental responsibility from

Also see

Education Support Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554

Apply for a school place

School applications are submitted through the online Parent Portal.

Parent Portal