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Schools and education

How to appeal for a school place

If you have been refused a place for your child and you want to appeal about school admissions, complete a school admissions appeal request form.

You will then be sent the relevant appeal form for your child's year group and preferred school, together with information about the appeals procedure.

On these forms specific to your child's year group and school you should set out the reasons for your appeal clearly and return it to Appeal Clerks.

You should submit appeal forms within 28 calendar days from the date of refusal - that is the date on the letter you received that refused your child's admission to your preferred school(s).

Whether to appeal

We cannot offer you advice as to whether you should appeal for a place at a school at which you have been unsuccessful.

You can however, ask us how successful appeals have been in the previous years as well as the specific reasons why you were unsuccessful in applying for your preferred school(s).

The guide for parents

You can find information on appeals next to each school's details in the Guide for Parents.

Also see

Education Support Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554

York Schools Appeals Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554341