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Schools and education

Processing school admissions applications

When considering your application for a school place, we will:

  • look for a place for your child in the appropriate year group at the time they're starting school
  • try to allocate a place at your first preference school
  • check for availability at each of your preference schools in turn

If we cannot allocate a place at any of your preference schools, we may allocate one at a nearby alternative school.

You can find further information online about school admissions, including admissions policies, catchment areas, oversubscription criteria, privacy notice and the Guide for Parents.

School places for other admissions authorities

If you request a school place at a 'voluntary aided' or 'academy' school, or at a school in a different Local Authority area, we'll forward your application to them for their consideration.

We're unable to make decisions on places at these schools, so they may take longer than usual.

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Previous or current school details

Our 'fair access protocols' mean we may contact your child's previous school for information about their attendance and behaviour. Therefore you need to supply details of their current or previous school when you apply. If you did not include this information in your application, please provide details as soon as possible.

If your child had any behaviour or attendance issues your application may be processed through our behaviour and attendance partnerships, to ensure they have fair access into a City of York school.

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Repeat applications within the school year

We're unable to accept a duplicate application if you've previously applied for a place at your preferred schools this school year, and have been refused.

The only exceptions are:

  • if you've had a substantive change in circumstances
  • if a place has become available at your preferred schools

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Proof of address

When applying for a place at an oversubscribed school, we may ask for 'proof of residence' at the address you've given.

A child's home address is defined as the address at which the parent/carer and child are ordinarily resident at the time of application. Where there is joint residence each case is considered on an individual basis.

We're determined to prevent fraudulent applications for school places.

Parent/carers must:

  • only use one address when applying for a school place
  • must use the address at which they and child are ordinarily resident at the time of application
  • be held responsible for proving they are ordinarily resident at the address
  • must provide additional information if requested, before places can be confirmed

We will/may:

  • check addresses against other records we hold, in accordance with our Data Protection Registration
  • ask for suitable proof of residence, tenancy (if renting), or proof of completion (if purchasing)
  • request proof of council tax payment to prove residence
  • ask for proof of ownership/tenancy at a previous address

Suitable proof can be:

  • a copy of your current council tax statement
  • a signed copy of the tenancy agreement showing the length of the agreed tenancy
  • a letter or email direct from your conveyancing solicitor, after you've exchanged contracts and including the date of completion
  • a copy of your armed forces order relating to posting or marching out

Places may only be allocated once the child is resident at an address, unless the child’s parent/carer is relocating as a result of military posting, in which case places can be allocated once a posting order is provided that states a quartering address.

We retain the right to withdraw a school place at any time if an application is found to be fraudulent or intentionally misleading.

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Applications for places starting in the future

We don't accept applications which are made more than twenty 'school' days in advance of when the place is required. If you apply for a school place earlier than twenty school days before the place is required then we will reject the application, return it to you and you will be required to resubmit the application. Applications must also be fully completed with the required information in order to be accepted.

Once we have downloaded and accepted the application, then we will provide you with an application decision 15 school days for the date of the accepted application.

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Also see

Education Support Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554