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Health and social care

Raising a concern about health and wellbeing services

Concerns about health and social care provision and commissioning can be raised in different ways, without making a formal complaint:

You can register to raise a general concern at a Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee meeting or at a Health and Wellbeing Board meeting providing it relates to matter that falls within their remit, or to an item on their agenda.

Healthwatch York will listen to your concerns and record them (anonymously). They identify any trends and recurring themes that are raised, to inform their annual work programme.

If a particular issue is raised frequently, Healthwatch York may produce a report to make recommendations for improvement to appropriate health and social care organisations.

The Care Quality Commission offer a wide range of advice on what to do if you have a concern that you think needs addressing.

Making a complaint about health and wellbeing services

You are able to raise a comment, complaint or concern relating to adults or children's care services via our Customer Complaints and Feedback Team.

If you need advice or support to help make a complaint, various organisations can assist:

  • York Advocacy supports residents who have a complaint about care or treatment received from the NHS
  • Healthwatch York gives advice on making a complaint and could signpost you to appropriate advocacy organisations

These organisations cannot make a complaint on your behalf.

Also see

Health and Wellbeing Secretariat

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551714