Let us help you to avoid becoming homeless. We aim to support young adults aged 16 and 17 who are homeless or may become homeless.
The Youth Homeless Scheme is for you if you have officially finished year 11 at school and are 16 or 17.
We aim to prevent young people from becoming homeless. We’ll work with you and your family to talk through issues and find a way to resolve things.
We’re confidential - we’ll only share information with other professionals working with you unless you or other people are at serious risk of harm.
We’re professional - we have a code of conduct that sets out how we will behave with you. You can ask to see it at any time.
We’re safe - we have guidelines on how to protect you from any kind of abuse. Ask to see our safeguarding policy.
We’re led by you - we’ll offer as many choices as we can so you’re fully involved in planning the support you receive from us and others.
For youth homeless advice contact:
- Fiona on telephone: 01904 553585, or mobile: 07891 853498
- Lexi on mobile: 07733 290597
You can also contact us on email: youthhomeless@york.gov.uk.
After 5.00pm and at weekends or bank holidays, you can contact the Emergency Duty Team: 0300 131 2131.
Youth Homeless Scheme complaints and suggestions
If you have any complaints, or any improvement suggestions, please speak to the Youth Homeless Worker, or contact Lewis Rodgers, the council's Resettlement Services Manager, on telephone: 01904 553318 or mobile: 07795 970789.
Other agencies we work with have their own procedures for complaints and improvement suggestions so contact them directly.
Further support for young homeless people
See details of organisations who provide advice and support in York.
York’s Children’s Rights and Advocacy Service
If you would like the support of an advocate, please call or text on mobile: 07769 725174, or email: speakup@york.gov.uk.
Mental health support
Speak to your GP if you're struggling. They may refer you to counselling or discuss other options to help you to cope.
York Mind Young People’s Service provides information to young people about mental health and emotional wellbeing. You can contact York Mind on telephone: 01904 643364.
Kooth.com is an online mental wellbeing community, with free, safe and anonymous support.
Childline is a free, private and confidential service. It's available online and on the phone, anytime. You can contact Childline on telephone: 0800 1111.
Samaritans offer telephone support for someone in crisis or having suicidal feelings. You can contact Samaritans on telephone: 116123, or York Samaritans on telephone: 01904 655888.
NHS Crisis Line is open 24/7 for people living in County Durham, Darlington, Teesside, North Yorkshire and York. You can contact the NHS Crisis Line on telephone: 111.
York College Your Well-Being Service offer support via their student portal, or contact Rebecca on mobile: 07483 006808 (Mondays to Wednesdays), or Julie on mobile: 07971 235096 (Wednesdays to Fridays).
Money and benefits
Your Youth Homeless Worker can help you make a claim for Universal Credit. You will need your National Insurance number, bank account details, ID, postcode and an email address.
Drugs and alcohol
The Gate York, part of the York Drug and Alcohol Service) offers a range of support for people up to 25 years affected by their own or someone else's substance misuse. Their aim is to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to identify and appropriately respond to risks associated with substance use.
To find out more or to request an appointment, get in touch via their website, or contact the team:
- telephone: 01904 464680
- email: thegateyork@cgl.org.uk
Frank provide honest information about drugs. Talk to Frank on telephone: 0300 1236600.
Sexual Health
YorSexual Health provide information about sexual health and contraception services, confidential, free and friendly. They are based at Monkgate Health Centre, or contact YorSexual Health on telephone: 01904 721111.
Domestic Violence
IDAS is the largest specialist charity in the North supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. Call the IDAS advice line on telephone: 03000 110110, or for outreach support call telephone: 01904 646036.
Family Information and Support
The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is a multi-agency single point of contact for all concerns about children and to make sure that children receive the right level of support. You can contact MASH on telephone: 01904 551900 (select option 2 for early help).