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Housing Revenue Asset Plan

The Housing Asset Plan, approved by Executive Committee on 15 December 2022, sets out the work we do in relation to maintaining, investing in, improving, and growing our housing stock, and provides a clear picture of what we need to do in order to meet the challenges that face us over the next 5 years, not least the Climate Change Agenda.

It builds on the previous Asset Plan adopted in 2019 in order to develop a clear plan for decision-making and the prioritisation of resources over the next 5 years.

To support this asset management approach is a Retrofit Action Plan, providing clarity on how we will invest in our council homes to improve energy efficiency, supporting climate neutral ambitions, ensuring our homes are healthy and warm, and reducing residents energy bills.

Our ability to deliver good services for people now and in the future is dependent on our ability to make the most of the homes we own, not only as good places to live but also as assets we improve and invest in.

It's important to understand the funding which flows through the landlord function and how it is used. Most of the money comes directly from rent, and expenditure can be apportioned to housing management, maintenance, investment and growth.

This plan sets the framework within which an ongoing programme of investment and growth will be drawn up and implemented.

Our Vision and Mission

The vision that guides all our work is:

One Team, Healthy Homes, Better lives

Our Mission is:

We are one team, working with you in positive and responsive ways, always listening and improving our services. We invest in and plan for the future, ensuring we support safe, sustainable, affordable and good quality homes. Working in partnerships, we aim to support strong and diverse communities where you can live well and thrive.

This Asset Management Strategy sets out how we will invest in and plan for the future, ensuring we support safe, sustainable, affordable and good quality homes and achieve our mission.

If you wish to see a full copy of the plan, contact the Housing Strategy and Performance Team.

Also see

Housing Strategy and Performance Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 555556