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Affordable housing

Affordable housing covers a range of different options for people who can't afford to get on the property ladder. The cost will usually be low enough for people to afford in relation to their income and local house prices.

If you are interested in these properties, you can:

Types of affordable housing

We work to meet the needs of a range of people, from general housing to specialist supported housing. Find out more about:

  • homes to rent – we offer 3 rental bands according to your circumstances
  • homes to buy – we offer 2 ownership schemes aimed at first-time buyers

New affordable housing developments

We work with a range of housing developers and housing associations on new affordable housing developments. We aim to maximise:

  • quality
  • sustainability
  • affordability

In addition to supporting the work of our partners, we are in the process of developing new housing.

Also see

Housing Strategy and Performance Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 555556