We're responsible for the health of people living, working, studying and visiting York.
The Faculty of Public Health defines public health as:
The science and art of promoting and protecting health and wellbeing, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organised efforts of society.
Public Health Team
Our Public Health Team is tasked with improving the health of the city's population.
The team includes:
- Director of Public Health
- Assistant Director of Public Health
- Nurse Consultant in Public Health
- Health Improvement managers and officers
- Health and Wellbeing Partnerships coordinator
Areas of Public Health
There are 3 key areas in Public Health.
Health improvement
Health improvement includes assessing the impacts on health of:
- inequality
- education
- housing
- employment
- family/community
- lifestyle
Healthcare includes areas such as:
- clinical effectiveness
- efficiency
- health economics
- service planning
- audit and evaluation
- clinical governance
- equity
Health protection
Health protection includes assessing the health consequences of:
- infectious diseases
- screening
- chemicals and poisons
- radiation
- emergency responses
- surveillance and monitoring of specific diseases and risk factors
Our roles and responsibilities
The work of the Public Health Team is driven by the Council Plan and the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for York, which is informed by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
Our work covers a variety of areas, such as:
- assessing the health impact of decision-making around major developments, planning, open spaces, licensing and community projects
- commissioning services such as: Stop Smoking, specialist Sexual Health services, Health Checks and substance misuse
- transferring school nursing and children’s health visiting services from the NHS as part of the Healthy Child Programme
- supporting the Health and Wellbeing Board
- overseeing screening programmes (such as for breast, colon and cervical cancer; and child development testing) and immunisation programmes (for children, adolescents and adults)
- increasing physical activity levels, including for young and older age groups, and those with disabilities or medical conditions
- providing opportunities for sport and physical activity, supporting mass participation programmes and local sports clubs
- working with voluntary, statutory and commercial health organisations
Public Protection
Immediate and short-term Public Protection health issues are dealt with by our Environmental Health Team.
This includes:
Your doctor and your health
Immediate and urgent risks to your health must be referred to your own doctor (GP).