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York Open Data

York Open Data logo.

York Open Data was launched in March 2015. It offers residents and businesses free access to a wealth of information about their city, to help to build new products, understanding and solutions to all kinds of challenges such as those around sustainability, transport, energy and community engagement.

Local Government Transparency Code related data is stored in the platform, such as:

Other data you may freely use from our website under the terms of the Open Government Licence is:

Open data sets and formats

The datasets are presented in different formats, such as:

  • geospatial formats - that can be previewed on a map
  • table-like formats - csv and xls/Excel files that allow data to be filtered and analysed

Most datasets are shared under the Open Government Licence which entitles you to make use of data freely.

There is a York Open Data User Guide available to help you use the platform and the data it hosts.

Get involved with York Open Data

York Open Data is a core element to a number of wider projects such as the UK Research and Innovation funded York City Environment Observatory.

Get in touch with our Business Intelligence Hub if you're interested in being involved with York Open Data.

Also see

Business Intelligence Hub

Customer and Corporate Services

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Telephone: 01904 551550