City of York Council is a Living Wage employer. We've been a Living Wage employer since 2013.
The real Living Wage is a voluntary hourly wage rate that employers can choose to pay their staff.
The real Living Wage is updated every year at the start of Living Wage Week. The Living Wage Foundation calculates this amount based on real costs of living and sets it at the level needed to afford a basic acceptable standard of life in the UK. The council implements the new UK rate (outside of London) with effect from 1 April.
The real Living Wage is different to the compulsory National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage set by government on advice from the Low Pay Commission.
Living Wage guide for employers
We encourage other employers to consider whether they can pay the real Living Wage. Becoming a Living Wage employer is a journey. Every organisation is different and will face different challenges on the way.
If you're interested you can find out more information about the benefits of becoming a Living Wage employer and the accreditation process.
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