We are responsible for the care and maintenance of:
Contact our Public Realm Team to report damage to war memorials which we're responsible for.
Alternatively, find out about:
- war memorials maintained by other organisations
- Victoria Cross commemorative paving stones
- World War I war memorials
- World War II airfield war memorials
War Memorial Gardens, Leeman Road
Opened in 1925, this is the city's principal memorial and hosts the annual Service of Remembrance in the presence of the Lord Mayor and other Civic dignitaries. The garden is open to the public all day every day for quiet contemplation and reflection. A memorial to those who fell in the Korean War and a universal memorial to peace have also been added.
Rowntree Park
Rowntree Park was a gift to the City of York by Messrs Rowntree & Co. in 1921 and is a memorial to the Cocoa Works staff who fell and suffered during World War I. A set of listed gates off Terry Avenue was added to the park in memory of those who fell in World War II. Bronze plaques commemorate both wars within the centrally located lychgate.
Smaller war memorials we look after
Smaller war memorials, which we maintain, can be found at:
- Duncombe Place - Boer War memorial
- Skeldergate Island - Boer War memorial
- Leeman Road - World Wars I and II
- Acomb Green - World Wars I and II
War memorials maintained by other organisations
See further information about war memorials looked after by parish and town councils and local businesses.
Victoria Cross commemorative paving stones
As a way of marking the centenary of the end of the First World War, commemorative paving stones have been laid in the birthplace of those awarded the Victoria Cross. The stones honour soldiers’ bravery and provide a lasting legacy for local community heroes.
In York, a memorial stone on Mount Vale commemorates Lt.-Col. Best-Dunkley, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on the first day of the Battle of Passchendaele, at Wieltje, Belgium.
World War I war memorials
See a list of World War I memorials in York compiled to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the end of the First World War.
In addition to the war memorials in this list, most churches have a roll of honour and York Minster hosts an array of regimental and other memorials.
World War II airfield war memorials
Get information about Second World War airfield memorials.
Also see
- Parish and other war memorials
- Airfield war memorials
- Memorials and donations
- Parks and outdoor spaces around York