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Bootham Park planning application

A planning application has been submitted by Enterprise Retirement Living to provide a 170 home independent living retirement community for older people.

You can view the plans via the planning portal, using application reference numbers 21/02108/FULM and 21/02109/LBC.

The Bootham Park site is extremely important to York. Its Grade 1 and 2 listed buildings and grounds have been a focal point in York life and healthcare since 1777.

As a site of significant importance in the city the council has been working with partners to secure the future of the former Bootham Park hospital site so it continues to contribute to civic life for many years to come. We also want to make sure that any future development respects the site's significance and meets York's needs.

Council and health partners continue to work together to make sure that any future development respects the site's significance and meets York's needs.

Timeline of site

Since the closure of the site as a hospital, work has taken place to secure a positive future for Bootham Park.


In early 2019 the council worked with York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation and other stakeholders to draw up a Site Development Plan for the combined site and adjacent publicly owned land.

Nearly 1,000 comments were received in response to a 3 week consultation. You can find the original exhibition boards online. Local engagement experts My Future York compiled responses into an open community brief. Our designers, IBI Architects, used this brief along with extensive conversations with partners, heritage groups and other experts to develop the emerging ideas.

In July following extensive engagement the Bootham Park Site Development Report was published. This report was influenced by a Health Impact Assessment.

In Autumn the council held a consultation on the Bootham Park Site Development Plan which ran for a 4 week period from 17 September to 14 October 2019. The objectives of the engagement were:

  • to publicise the Bootham Park Site Development Plan
  • to seek the views of local residents and businesses in the area on the development ideas proposed
  • to understand people’s priorities for what they wanted to see on the site
  • to understand what level of commercial development people would find acceptable in order to see their priorities delivered


In March NHS property services agreed to sell the site to Enterprise Retirement Living (ERL). ERL published its proposals for the site and asked for feedback. You can view their plans and comment directly to ERL at


In September Applications for Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent were submitted by ERL and can be viewed via the planning portal, using application reference numbers 21/02108/FULM and 21/02109/LBC.

In December 2021, the council's Executive approved proposals to secure public access to the grounds of the former Bootham Park Hospital site and agree an updated access lease.

This is so that the grounds continue to play a role at the heart of local communities. The agreements with partners included:

  • securing approximately £1.9 million investment in works and improvements at no cost to the public, as part of the developer’s £75 million investment into the project
  • preserved and improved pedestrian and cycle routes linking with the upgraded cycle and pedestrian route on Marygate and Scarborough Bridge
  • public, educational and sports use of the lawns with new paths and facilities to enhance their use
  • the provision of an 11-a-side football pitch and a 7-a-side football pitch
  • continuation of the landing place for the Air Ambulance
  • protection and restoration of the historic boundary railings
  • a retirement care community in the heart of the city with low carbon heating and other sustainable features

These agreements remain subject to planning permission being granted for Enterprise Retirement Living Limited’s plans to provide a 170 home independent living retirement community for older people.

These activities were funded as part of the government's One Public Estate programme, which supports public bodies to use public land and property to boost economic growth, supply housing and regeneration, and integrate public services.

Also see

Bootham Park Site

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