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Residents invited to shape the future of library services

Acomb Explore Library

Published Friday, 6 December 2024

The council is calling on York residents, students and workers, other users and non-users, to participate in an early engagement exercise to help shape the future of the city’s library services.

This exercise launches on 6 December 2024 and will remain open for 9 weeks, closing on 7 February 2025.

The council has a statutory duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964. As part of ongoing efforts to ensure these services remain relevant and sustainable, this engagement process seeks feedback from library users and non-users alike.

Current library services are delivered under a 15-year contract with Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited, awarded in 2019. This successful contract relationship with Explore has helped the Council deliver on its statutory duties while enhancing services for residents.

Cllr. Pete Kilbane, Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning, said:

York’s libraries play a vital role in enriching the lives of residents in our city.

"We’ve seen investment in the service to modernise library provision through the Gateway Library at Haxby and Wigginton and the Library Learning Centre in Clifton. However, we face challenging financial circumstances and must ensure our services remain fit for the future while reflecting the needs of our communities. We urge everyone to have their say and help us shape library services for the years to come."

The engagement process includes an online survey and focus groups targeting specific demographics, such as families, young people, and disabled people, to ensure diverse voices are heard. An accessible paper survey can also be picked up from any Explore Library or at West Offices. The survey results will feed into a Libraries Needs Assessment to understand how and when residents use library services and what matters most to them.

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