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Taxi Times Newsletter Spring 2025

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Published Friday, 7 March 2025

Welcome to the Taxi Times, a newsletter for the taxi trade showing updates on legislation, policy and enforcement.

In this edition of the Taxi Times we’ve got information on:

We welcome your feedback. If you have any topics you’d like raised in this newsletter contact the Licensing Team with any comments.

New Taxi Licensing Policy

The council has adopted a new Taxi Licensing Policy. This is the first major update to the policy since the introduction of the Department for Transport (DFT) Statutory Standards and Best Practice Guidance for Private Hire and Hackney Carriage. It was adopted by the council on 22 November 2024, after a 12-week public consultation.

Since the previous policy was adopted there have been changes in legislation in respect to a number of requirements relevant to licensing.

This includes immigration and right to work, tax checks, safeguarding and equalities requirements and standards of the DFT Statutory Standards and Best Practice Guidance. Many of these have been included in the new policy to ensure there is a comprehensive document covering all the prerequisites and legal requirements.

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Online DBS checks

A condition for renewing your licence is having an up-to-date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

The updated Taxi Licensing Policy proposes that when a driver is granted a licence, they subscribe to the DBS update service so officers can carry out quick online status checks. A subscription is annual and will save you money.

If you are due or are renewing your DBS, you must subscribe to the Online DBS service when you receive your certificate. Find out more about the DBS Update Service.

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Safeguarding reminder

Please complete the safeguarding refresher training before renewing your licence.

These must be completed at least every 3 years and training can be booked online.

A course fee applies. For further information email:

Guidance on how to spot safeguarding issues and reporting your concerns can be found on the Safeguarding Adults website.

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DriveTech Account and DVLA Mandate

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As part of the council’s Taxi Licensing Policy we're required to undertake a periodic DVLA driving licence check. These checks are carried out for us by DriveTech Fleet management.

The check of your DVLA driving licence is a statutory requirement of your Private Hire or Hackney Carriage driver's licence grant. This process can be found in the Taxi Licensing Policy.

Authorisation to check your documents with the DVLA lasts for 3 years, after which time drivers will be requested to renew the authorisation. Over the next few months DriveTech and the council will be emailing licensed drivers if their authorisation is due to expire.

Full instructions will be provided to resubmit the DVLA Licence Check Document online via your specific account. If you receive an email, please complete the resubmission requirement within 7 days.

Failure to complete this requirement may result in non-compliance with the policy and further action may be taken.

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Pay online update

You now have an easy option to pay for licensing fees online!

You can now pay for your applications, renewals, transfers and DBS appointments at your convenience:

Select ‘Pay licence fees’ from the menu.

As we are not able to accept cash payments for any fees, please use this new secure systems which allows you to pay by debit or credit card.

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New taxi licensing web pages

We're updating our web pages with information for new applications, guidance for drivers, vehicle proprietors and operators, and an area to pay for licensing services and download relevant forms.

Our new web pages also include links for members of the public on taxi accessibility.

See our new web pages, with information for drivers, operators and passengers.

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Training to use wheelchair-accessible vehicles

If you own or drive a licensed wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV), you must ensure that it is only driven by a licensed driver who has:

  • completed and passed the Driving Standards Agency wheelchair exercise or equivalent, and;
  • completed and passed City of York Council’s Disability Awareness Training Course (Taxi) or equivalent

This training is compulsory and requires refresher training every 3 years to ensure that all current drivers remain up-to-date with current industry legislation and practice. If you're a proprietor of a WAV, please ensure you retain a copy of the driver's certification.

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Taxi Times