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Environment and animals

Noise nuisance while working from home

Recently, more people have been working from home, or spending more time within their household; at such times noise between neighbouring properties can become a cause for concern, whether you're worried about disturbing someone else, or, you need quiet time to concentrate.

In all circumstances we ask you to show tolerance and consideration for your neighbours, as we get used to new ways of living - we must all work together when dealing with perceived noise nuisance.

Dealing with noise

Our Neighbourhood Enforcement Team is here to investigate criminal levels of noise nuisance and activate legal enforcement.

In most cases being neighbourly and considerate can resolve the majority of noise related problems.

You can:

  • think about how to live with levels of noise - use a room in a quieter part of your house, or wear headphones to help you concentrate
  • contact your neighbours with a friendly request to work together on a solution which works for everyone
  • look at how you and your neighbours can both have times for quiet, work, rest, and play - appreciate each others schedules may differ

Report noise nuisance

If you believe noise levels are unreasonable let us know; contact our Neighbourhood Enforcement Team with your name, address and telephone number, and we'll back to you.

Also see

Neighbourhood Enforcement Team

Community Safety Hub

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551555

Noise Patrol

Out of hours noise complaints only; Friday and Saturday, from 9.00pm to 2.30am.

Telephone: 01904 551555

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