If you want to object to your parking ticket or penalty charge notice (PCN), you must do so within the initial 14 day discount period.
The day we issue the ticket counts as day 1 of the 14 day period.
Before submitting your objection, we recommend you read the factors we must consider before cancelling your PCN.
If you're unable to object to your PCN online you can post your objection to our Parking Services Team; we cannot process telephone, email or in-person objections.
You should include:
- the PCN number
- vehicle registration number
- your name and address
Without this information, we won't be able to respond to your objection.
If you haven't received an acknowledgement within 10 working days, contact our Parking Services team to make sure they've received your objection.
How we deal with objections
There are many factors we must consider before cancelling your PCN.
We normally reply to objections within 10 working days, but some objections take longer to investigate.
In these cases, we send you:
- an acknowledgment that we've received your objection
- a full reply when we've completed our investigation
Sometimes, we may ask you to provide more evidence to support your case, in which case we'll allow you a reasonable amount of time to respond to our request.
In these cases, we'll:
- attempt to address all the points you've made
- attempt to reach a reasonable decision based on the available evidence
- explain the reasons for our decision
Unsuccessful PCN objections
If we reject your objection, you'll still have the opportunity to pay your PCN at the reduced rate for a further 14 days from the date you receive our reply.
We'll then explain the next stage of the process and how you can make a formal PCN representation if you're unhappy with our decision.
Successful PCN objections
If we agree with your objection, we'll cancel your PCN and you won't need to make any payment.