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Planning and building

Part 1 regulation implementation

Sections of The Commons Act 2006 came in to force in December 2014, allowing the 'rectification of the Village Green and Commons Registers in limited circumstances'.

Under Part 1, Paragraph 19 2(a) and Schedule 2 Paragraphs 6 to 9, people will have the power to apply to us to:

  • correct a mistake made by us or our predecessors
  • to remove buildings/land that were wrongly registered either as common land or a town or village green

See Defra guidance on how these applications should be made and how they will be processed and the relevant extracts from the Commons Act 2006.


There will be no fee for any applications submitted under Paragraph 19 2(a) as these are to correct a mistake made by 'the registration authority' in making or amending an entry in the register.

The fee for any application made under Schedule 2 Paragraphs 6 to 9 will be £1,660 for each register unit.

If the application needs to be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for determination, a further fee (payable to PINS) will be £4,900.

Certain classes of applications under paragraphs 6 to 9 must be referred to the PINS:

  • the Council has a legal interest in the land
  • the Council has a conflict of interest in determining the application
  • the Council has received an objection to the application by a person who has a legal interest in the land.

Application forms are available from

Design and Conservation Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551551