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Planning and building

Sustainable design and construction

This guidance forms non-statutory guidance to supplement the policies and proposals of the City of York New Local Plan, to provide advice about climate change policies, which apply to all relevant planning applications made after 25 May 2018.

The following relevant policies within our Local Plan Publication Draft Regulation 19 Consultation (February 2018) set the considerations for sustainable design and construction when developing planning applications:

  • Policy CC2: Sustainable Design and Construction of New Development
  • Policy CC3: Decentralised Energy Networks

You can view the latest policy, as proposed to be modified as a result of the Local Plan Examination, via our Local Plan Tracked Change Version (2023).

You can also view our response to the Written Ministerial Statement: Planning - Local Energy Efficiency Standards Update (13 December 2023), which was requested by and has been submitted to our Local Plan Examination Inspectors for their consideration.

National Planning Policy Framework

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out a 'presumption in favour in sustainable development’. This seeks to ensure that sustainable development is pursued in a positive way to secure net gains in economic, social and environmental objectives.

The NPPF defines sustainable development as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (as defined by the Resolution 42/187 of the United Nations General Assembly).

Section 14 of the NPPF sets out specific considerations for meeting the challenge of climate change, including the built environment and renewable energy provision.

Yorks Climate Change Strategy

Our Climate Change Strategy follows a Full Council Motion in 2019 that declared a Climate Emergency.

We've since set an ambition for our operations to be carbon neutral by 2030, to be in line with world scientific advice for what is needed to limit temperature rise to 1.5º and avert runaway climate breakdown.

See more information on the council’s corporate approach to Climate Change.

Useful links

BREEAM assessment methods and tools are designed to help construction professionals understand and mitigate the environmental impacts of the developments they design and build.

The Building Research Establishment (BRE) is a world leading research, consultancy, training, testing and certification organisation delivering sustainability and innovation across the built environment and beyond. They publish the BREEAM assessment methods, to which building design should adhere.

Also see: