City of York Council (CYC) complies with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), reference: Z5809563.
We regularly review this privacy notice, and it was last updated in April 2024.
CYC is committed to ensuring that information is handled in accordance with the principles set out in data protection legislation and guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
This privacy notice tells you what to expect when your information is processed for the purposes of the Safety Advisory Group (SAG).
The SAG provides advice and guidance regarding event safety to enable events to go ahead successfully in York and is a multi-agency group including members from North Yorkshire Police, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and various representatives from City of York Council departments including Highways and Licensing.
CYC also has a statutory duty for the certification of sports grounds under Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975 (as amended) (1975 Act), and regulated stands under the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987 (1987 Act) and recognises its responsibility for the safety of all people present at all sports grounds within CYC boundaries. The Sports Ground Safety Authority (SGSA) are part of the multi-agency group considering matters relating to sports grounds.
CYC and the core members of the SAG are controllers for the information processed by the SAG unless we specifically state otherwise in this privacy notice. You can find the other core members’ published privacy details at:
- North Yorkshire Police's Privacy Notice
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service's Privacy Policy
- Privacy Policies - North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service's Privacy Policies
- SGSA's Privacy and cookies page
This Privacy Notice explains how and why we process your information, under Part 3 of the Data Protection Act 2018 for law enforcement purposes and the steps we take to keep your information safe.
CYC is the controller for the personal data we process, unless otherwise stated. You can contact the council’s Data Protection Officer at:
West OfficesStation Rise
Telephone: 01904 554145.
You can find more information about the role of the Data Protection Officer in our Data Protection Policy Statement.
This privacy notice should be read in conjunction with other relevant specific privacy notices that are available in our Privacy Notice.
When appropriate we will provide a ‘just in time’ notice to cover any additional processing activities not mentioned in this privacy notice.
- How we collect your information
- What personal data we process and why
- Automated decision-making
- Collecting information automatically
- Children's information
- Lawful basis for processing your personal data
- How long we keep your personal data
- Data sharing
- Data processors and/or third parties
- Transfers of personal data
- How we protect your information
- Your rights in relation to this processing
How we collect your information
The SAG receives most of your information directly from you, but we may also obtain some information from the following agencies where relevant:
- The Police
- Security Industry Authority
- Trading Standards
- Other officers within City of York Council
What personal data we process and why
Event organisers can be individuals, companies, community groups, residents’ associations, or charities.
We may collect the following information about the event organiser:
- Full name
- Business name (if applicable)
- Address
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
If you are the provider of the event’s medical cover, we may also collect:
- Full name
- Details of your qualifications
- Paramedic pin numbers
If you are the provider of the event’s security cover, we may also collect:
- Full name
- Details of your SIA badge number
- Date of birth
If you are the provider of the event’s fairground rides or inflatables, we will also collect:
- Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme certificates
- Pertexa Inflatable Play Accreditation certificates for inflatables
The SAG will use your information to:
- identify people who are responsible for the safety of the event
- verify the identity of named individuals who are listed to provide security and stewarding at the event (this will include details of volunteers), and, if required, ensure they have the relevant authorisation with the Security Industry Authority
- verify the identity of named individuals who are listed to provide medical cover at the event, and ensure they have the relevant qualifications
- offer advice and support to ensure an event is safe
- identify any actions for SAG core members in relation to the event
- ensure any event which is held on CYC land has appropriate safety measures and legal certification
- keep a record of who is organising and participating in events in York
- facilitate an audit trail in the event of an accident or unsafe practice
- support investigations should things go wrong
The SAG may use Microsoft Office 365 (MS365) Teams for meetings, and you can find more about their privacy details at their Privacy Statement.
CYC may also use MS 365 to provide secure online conversations and or to record and or transcribe meetings and you can find out more about this at our City of York Council Microsoft Office 365 (MS365) Teams Meeting including recording and transcription privacy notice.
Automated decision-making
The SAG does not carry out any automated decision-making when processing your information.
Collecting information automatically
Please see our cookies page for further information about the information CYC collect automatically when you use our website.
Children’s information
Where the SAG provides services directly to children or young people, the information in the relevant parts of this notice applies to children and young people, as well as adults.
Lawful basis for processing your personal data
Any personal data including special category data and criminal offence data that the SAG processes about individuals is done so in accordance with UK GDPR and Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018):
- Article 6(1) (e) Public task: the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or for our official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.
- Article 9(2) (g) Reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law)
This is supported by Schedule 1, Part 2 (6) of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the following legal framework:
- Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975 (as amended) (1975 Act)
- Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987 (1987 Act)
- Safety of Sports Grounds Regulations 1987
- Safety of Places of Sport Regulations 1988
- Civil Contingencies Act 2004
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Licensing Act 2005
Where the SAG processes personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences, this is also under Article 10 UK GDPR that covers processing in relation to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures. In addition, section 11(2) of the DPA 2018 specifically confirms that this includes personal data relating to the alleged commission of offences, or proceedings for an offence committed or alleged to have been committed, including sentencing.
Some of the Schedule 1 conditions for processing special category and criminal offence data require an Appropriate Policy Document (APD) to be in place, which sets out and explains the procedures for securing compliance with the principles in Article 5 and policies regarding the retention and erasure of such personal data. CYC’s document explains this processing and satisfies the requirements of Schedule 1, Part 4 of the DPA 2018 and supplements this privacy notice.
Our Appropriate Policy Document provides further information about this processing.
How long we keep your personal data
The SAG will only keep your information for as long as it is needed and no longer than six years following the expiration of the event, following the surrender or revocation of a safety certificate, or following the end of any investigation.
Data sharing
Information will be shared with the following organisations who together with CYC are the core members of the SAG:
- North Yorkshire Police
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service
- North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
Where appropriate, we will share with invited guests to the SAG e.g., experts in a particular area relating to the event.
Any information which is shared will only be shared on a need-to-know basis and only the minimum information for the purpose will be shared.
In some circumstances, such as under a court order, prevention and detection of crime or safeguarding, we are legally obliged to share information. We may also share information about you with third parties including our data processors, government agencies and external auditors.
The SAG will always satisfy themselves that there is a lawful basis on which to share the information and document our decision-making.
Additionally, we are required under the Public Records Act 1958 (as amended) to transfer records to the City or National Archives (TNA) for permanent preservation. Full consideration will be given to Data Protection and Freedom of Information legislation when making decisions about whether such records should be open to the public.
Data processors and/or third parties
Where the SAG has third parties providing parts or all our services for them, there will be contracts or agreements in place covering data processing.
Transfers of personal data
CYC does not routinely transfer personal data outside of the UK but when this is necessary, we ensure that we have appropriate safeguards in place and that is done in accordance with the UK data protection and privacy legislation.
How we protect your information
We're committed to keeping your information safe and secure. There are several ways we do this, such as:
- IT security safeguards such as firewalls, encryption, and anti-virus software
- on-site security safeguards to protect physical files and electronic equipment
- training for all staff and elected councillors
- policies and procedures
Your rights in relation to this processing
To find out about your rights under data protection law, you can go to the Information Commissioner's Office website.
You can also find information about your rights in our Privacy Notice.
If you have any questions about this privacy notice, want to exercise your rights, or if you have a complaint about how your information has been used, please contact us on email:, or on telephone: 01904 554145, or write to:
Data Protection OfficerCity of York Council
West Offices
Station Rise
York YO1 6GA