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Travel and transport

Planned highways works

Carriageway patching

We'll apply large patching repairs to carriageways (highways) with defects and areas which are too large to repair with basic maintenance, but too small to require a wider scheme of repairs covering large stretches of road, or entire roads.

Works detailed here do not have scheduled dates at this time. Consultation letters will be delivered to residents on all streets affected prior to start of any works in your area.

Street Location Ward Type of works
Corban Lane, Wiggington Bull Lane to city of York boundary Rural West
Pre surface-dressing patching
Cycle Route, New Lane
Huntington to Kathryn Avenue
New Lane to Kathryn Avenue and football stadium Huntington
and New
Pre surface-dressing patching
Field Lane, Heslington School Lane to Badger
Wood Walk
Hull Road Pre surface-dressing patching
Huntington Road Link Road to A1237 roundabout Huntington
and New
Pre surface-dressing patching
Main, Street Wheldrake Millfield industrial estate to Hall Close Wheldrake Pre surface-dressing patching
Sheriff Hutton Road,
From The Village
Strensall to city of York boundary, north of Pottery Lane
Strensall Pre surface-dressing patching
Wheldrake Lane Oak Tree farm to city of York boundary Wheldrake Pre surface-dressing patching
York Road, York Street,
Manor Drive to Hull Road Osbaldwick
and Derwent
Pre surface-dressing patching

Also see

Waste, Highways and Environmental Services

Telephone: 01904 551551