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Streets, roads and pavements

Bishophill rising bollard key fob return

In the Bishophill designated area, rising bollards previously limited access to certain roads for motor vehicles at all times.

The Bishophill area access restrictions were enforced with bollards situated at the Victoria Bar entrance from Nunnery Lane.

Access was retained at all times via Skeldergate and Cromwell Road.

Residents who live or rent a garage within the Bishophill designated area could previously apply for a key fob to gain access to the area. A £20.00 deposit was payable, which will be refunded when the key fob is returned for any reason.

If you leave the Bishophill area or no longer require your key fob, you should return it to us along with a completed key fob return form.

You can choose to receive your £20.00 deposit refund by:

  • cheque to a forwarding address
  • direct transfer to your bank account

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Highway Regulation Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551550