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Schools and education

Transport to school or college

Personal Travel Budget

You can apply for a personal transport budget (PTB) payment instead of a place in a council funded vehicle. This is a payment of 60p per mile from your home to the young person’s educational establishment. The payment is for 2 return journeys per day. You will receive the payment in 3 termly instalments paid in advance of the first day of term.

An example of this is based on a distance of 4 miles.

  • 4 miles x 4 journeys = 16 miles
  • 16 x 60p = £9.60 per day
  • £6.90 x 190 school days = £1824 per year or £608 payment per term

A PTB is normally only paid for eligible young people where the cost of a place in a funded vehicle would be more than the payment of a PTB, or where the young person is unable to travel in a funded vehicle.

The payment can be used for anything a parent sees fit to enable them to transport the young person themselves. Examples of use could be paying for an afterschool or breakfast club for other siblings to enable you to take your child with SEND to school.

Apply for a Personal Travel Budget

Also see

Children and Young People Transport Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554