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  • Easy Read - City Centre Access consultation

    Footstreet proposal When the city reopened after lockdown last year, the council had to create more room to allow people to social distance and for shops to use outside spaces.... Page 2 of 18 In November, the council’s Executive will decide whether to make the footstreets area permanent.... In November the council’s Executive will look at what you tell us and decide whether to agree these ideas.
  • [No title]

    As well as providing certi ficates, local registration officers and the GRO where it is permitted under the Data Prot ection Act 1998, may make registration informati on avail able to other council departm ents or services, and other organisations, for the foll owi ng purposes: 1.... For further informati on on data held by the Registrar General visit: ns/ips-pri vacy-policy For information on how the City Of York Council uses your information visit : For information on the City Of York Council’s cookies policy visit: You can contact the Superi ntendent Registrar at York Register Office Tel: 01904 654477 Tell Us Once Death registration appointments Tell Us Once is a free government initiati ve which aims to ease the burden of noti fying local and cent ral government departments that someone has died.... You can noti fy central and local government departm ents and services, includi ng:  Housi ng benefit office  Council tax benefit office  Libraries  Blue badges  Adult and chil dren’s services  Council housi ng  Departm ent for Work and Pensions  HM Revenue and Customs  Identity and passport service  Dri ver and Vehicle Licensing Agency  Ministry of Defence, service personnel and the Veteran’s Agency What documents will I need to use the service?