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Our structure and directorates

For more information about our Chief Operating Officer (Head of paid services) and the structure of our directorates visit Council Management Team; get details of our service responsibilities.

You can also read more about our executive council members.

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Results 1 – 2 of about 2.

  • [No title]

    This is a free government initiati ve which aims to ease the burden of noti fying local and central government departments that someone has di ed.... If you accept you will be able to telephone a freephone num ber or visit a website to inform m any governm ent departments that someone has died.... You have 28 days from the date the record was created on the Tell Us Once system to contact the Department for Work and Pensions.
  • Easy Read - City Centre Access consultation

    Footstreet proposal When the city reopened after lockdown last year, the council had to create more room to allow people to social distance and for shops to use outside spaces.... Page 2 of 18 In November, the council’s Executive will decide whether to make the footstreets area permanent.... In November the council’s Executive will look at what you tell us and decide whether to agree these ideas.