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Benefits and money

You can apply for a range of benefits if you're on a low income, struggling to pay your bills or having other financial difficulties. Find information about available benefits and get benefits advice.

Use our free and anonymous benefits calculator to check what support you could be entitled to, and seek financial avice and guidance.

You searched for housing benefit in category Downloads

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    You can noti fy central and local government departm ents and services, includi ng:  Housi ng benefit office  Council tax benefit office  Libraries  Blue badges  Adult and chil dren’s services  Council housi ng  Departm ent for Work and Pensions  HM Revenue and Customs  Identity and passport service  Dri ver and Vehicle Licensing Agency  Ministry of Defence, service personnel and the Veteran’s Agency What documents will I need to use the service?...  The deceased's National Insurance num ber  The National Ins urance Number of the deceased's survi vi ng husband, wi fe or ci vil partner  The next of kin's nam e, address and telephone number  Information about any benefits and services the deceased may have been recei ving, e.g. state pension, income support, housing benefit, library card, bl ue badge  The name and address of the person dealing with the deceased's estate  Dri ving licence (i f held)  Passport (if held)  Blue badge (if held) We also require the nam e, address and telephone number of the following:  Survi ving husband, wife or ci vil part ner  Next of kin (i f di fferent)  Person deali ng with the deceased’s estate, i.e. solicitors I can’t find all the documents I need.... The organisations contacted will use the inform ation to update records and end services, benefits and credits as appropri ate.