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York Open Data

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  • Easy Read - City Centre Access consultation

    Evening opening After lockdown we increased the number of hours that cars cannot access these streets to between 10.30am and 8.00pm (it was 5.00pm before lockdown).... Page 3 of 18 This allowed cafes to use outdoor space, and shops to open later.... Review of City Centre Access Easy read version, October 2021 The process so far Footstreet proposal Review of city centre access Sharing ideas Evening opening Footstreets start time Improve access to footstreets for disabled people Shopmobility and Dial-a-Ride Shuttle bus Better facilities Cycling, e-Bikes and e-Scooters Cycles as a mobility aid Cycle couriers and deliveries Improving city centre cycle routes Deliveries How to get involved What happens next?
  • [No title]

    York Register Office privacy notice York Register Office com plies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is a registered ‘Data Controll er’.... Any information placed on line will be done in manner which is compliant with the Data P rotection and Human Ri ghts Act and any successor legislation.... Staff at York Register Office will be able to provi de further inform ation on data held by the registration service.
  • Fire Safety Risk Assessment

    21 Can the final exit door on escape routes be opened readily and easily from the inside without the use of a key?... 22 Do all emergency exit doors (i.e. doors not in normal use) have clear instructions displayed on how to open?...  Can all doors be opened easily?