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Proposed devolution deal published for scrutiny
The proposed devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire will undergo its first public scrutiny by the Council’s Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee on Monday, 5 September. -
Scrutiny discussion to set a new direction of travel for York
York’s long term Local Transport Strategy will take another step forward next week (Tuesday 24 September) as a draft Implementation Plan is discussed at City of York Council’s Economy, Place, Access and Transport Scrutiny Committee. -
Plans to create dedicated SEND hub get Executive approval
Proposals to create a specialist hub for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their families have been approved by City of York Council’s Executive on Thursday 12 September. -
Energy grants for homes not heated by mains gas
Eligible households in York which aren't heated by mains gas are being given free energy-efficiency boosts by the council for greater comfort, lower bills and less carbon output. -
‘People-powered archaeology’ boosts residents’ wellbeing
A partnership between City of York Council and York Archaeology is helping the city’s residents uncover the hidden history of Walmgate, while improving their health and wellbeing, making social connections and gaining new skills and interests. -
Blue Badge holders’ access to extend during Christmas markets
The Council’s Executive has decided to establish Blue Badge holders’ access into York city centre for 2 hours daily at less busy times during this year’s Christmas market. -
Increased hours of access through new Central Hall building
City of York Council has welcomed news that the National Railway Museum has agreed to additional hours of pedestrian access through Central Hall, once major works are complete and it is open to the public. -
Residents invited to shape the future of library services
City of York Council is calling on York residents, students and workers, other users and non-users, to participate in an early engagement exercise to help shape the future of the city’s library services. -
Support available for exam students
With Key Stage 5 results and Key Stage 4 results due over the next few days [15 August and 22 August, respectively], City of York Council is reminding young people about the support available at this important time.