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Results 61 – 70 of about 137.

  • New fund to help lift inequalities from York’s communities

    A new £100,000 fund aims to help city's most deprived communities.
  • Changes to York’s sexual health service proposed

    Proposals to change the way sexual health services are provided in York will be considered later this month and could then be consulted on later this year.
  • Council commissions new £1.8 million drug and alcohol service contract

    City of York Council has awarded the drug and alcohol service contract to a leading health and social care charity Change Grow Live.
  • Council commissions new £1.8 million drug and alcohol service contract

    City of York Council has awarded the drug and alcohol service contract to a leading health and social care charity Change Grow Live.
  • Appeal for foster carers for York children and young people

    City of York Council is launching a new campaign this new year to recruit foster carers to support children and young people who can’t live with their own families.
  • New advertising rules to support children’s health

    City of York Council is proposing to introduce new advertising rules across York to support children and families with healthy eating.
  • York Children’s Services’ worker receives national award

    Anne Whitley, a Corporate Parenting and Co Production Advisor at City of York Council, has received a national award in recognition of her hard work.
  • Additional funds committed to free school meals pilot

    City of York Council have committed an additional £100,000 to York's free school meals pilot.
  • Second week of Queen Street Bridge closures this weekend

    City of York Council is reminding residents and visitors that a second road closure will take place this weekend as part of the Station Gateway project.
  • Help shape Front Street improvements

    City of York Council is seeking the views of residents and businesses on new ideas for Front Street in Acomb.