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You searched for City of York Council in category Other

You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 351 – 360 of about 1111.

  • Commercial premises

    Information about acquiring commercial or residential development land, and renting commercial properties owned by the council.
  • York Jobs Fair

    York Jobs Fair is a popular and established event held twice a year bringing together employers and job seekers from York and the surrounding area.
  • Rewiring council homes

    Rewiring council homes
  • Housing Delivery Programme Privacy Notice
  • National Fraud Initiative
  • Meeting our equality objectives

    Our approach to being a fair and inclusive city is detailed in York’s Equality Strategy.
  • Executive council members

    Information about your Executive Members of City of York Council; Executive is made up of 8 portfolios.
  • Executive council members

    Information about your Executive Members of City of York Council; Executive is made up of 8 portfolios.
  • Rent setting

    Rent setting in council housing.
  • Council Tax Support

    Council Tax Support (CTS) is a means tested discount off the cost of your council tax bill based on your household income and any savings.