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Parish councils

See parish council contact details.

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You could also try: executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax

Results 461 – 470 of about 515.

  • York Guildhall restoration project

    Since the council moved out of the Guildhall in April 2013, we've been working to find the best option to secure its future.... In October 2015, the council's Executive decided that a business club and serviced office venue would be the best mix of uses to secure a viable future for the complex.
  • Our approach to equalities

    Our vision for York is to be an equal, inclusive, and welcoming council and city, making sure that everyone enjoys the excellent quality of life our city offers.
  • Minster Badge permit

    A Minster badge permit gives residents parking discounts during the day and free parking after a certain time in most council car parking spaces.
  • Asset management

    Our 'corporate asset management plan' ensures we have a strategy to cover the main property and land issues we face as a council.
  • Have your say: attend meetings

    York residents can attend council meetings to have your say, either to bring a particular issue to the attention of councillors or to give your views on a particular subject.
  • Peer review

    Every few years we invite experienced members and officers from other councils to visit us so they can assess how we're doing.
  • York's Creative Future

    York Cultural Leaders’ Group, Make It York and City of York Council have launched the city’s new Culture Strategy for the next five years.’s-creative-future
  • York Air Quality Alert Service

    City of York Council's York Air Alert service which sends air pollution alerts and health advice to residents likely to be affected by air pollution.
  • Pest control advice

    Find out more about treating pests yourself, and how to report rats and mice sightings to the council.
  • Our publication scheme

    Our 'publication scheme' describes how freedom of information works at the council, with the type of documents we publish acting as a guide to the 'classes of information' available.