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Pest control advice
Find out more about treating pests yourself, and how to report rats and mice sightings to the council. -
Our publication scheme
Our 'publication scheme' describes how freedom of information works at the council, with the type of documents we publish acting as a guide to the 'classes of information' available. -
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Consultation
As a core commitment within our Council Plan we’re committed to achieving continuous improvement and equity across all our services and functions. -
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Consultation
As a core commitment within our Council Plan we’re committed to achieving continuous improvement and equity across all our services and functions. -
iTrent is the web-based Human Resources Self Service system which allows City of York Council employees to view and update some of their Human Resources information. -
iTrent is the web-based Human Resources Self Service system which allows City of York Council employees to view and update some of their Human Resources information. -
Minster Badge permit
A Minster badge permit gives residents parking discounts during the day and free parking after a certain time in most council car parking spaces. -
School term dates
Recommended term dates set by City of York Council for schools in our area, although some schools and academies may choose to adopt different dates. -
Review of councillors' allowances
What we pay elected councillors for, and the amount they are entitled to, is decided by 'Full Council' who in turn consult an Independent Remuneration Panel on recommendations for the 'Scheme of Allowances'. -
Our approach to equalities
Our vision for York is to be an equal, inclusive, and welcoming council and city, making sure that everyone enjoys the excellent quality of life our city offers.