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Our approach to equalities
Our vision for York is to be an equal, inclusive, and welcoming council and city, making sure that everyone enjoys the excellent quality of life our city offers. -
Transport and emissions
Council transport and travel teams are working on projects across the sector to reduce emissions for everyone that uses the city. -
Transport and emissions
Council transport and travel teams are working on projects across the sector to reduce emissions for everyone that uses the city. -
Pest control advice
Find out more about treating pests yourself, and how to report rats and mice sightings to the council. -
Deaths, funerals and cremations
Get information about our deaths, funerals and cremation services, available from City of York Council. -
Information requests
Any information held by the council can be given to anyone who requests it under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (unless an exemption applies). -
Temporary and interim work
Jobs can be on a part or full time basis, across a range of work sectors for a variety of customers (including City of York Council). -
Job vacancies
Find jobs with the council, or visit the Raise York website for details about working in Early Years and Childcare. -
Conservation and archaeology
Get information about conservation and archaeology services, available from City of York Council. -
St George's Field coach park - Parking directory
This directory contains details of all council-run car parks in York, and details for the Park and Ride sites.