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You searched for bedroom tax in category Other

You could also try: housing benefit , bedroom tax , council tax , counciltax

Results 111 – 120 of about 406.

  • Single Occupancy Discount for council tax

    If you live alone you may qualify for a 25% discount on your council tax, known as 'single occupancy discount'.
  • Single Occupancy Discount for council tax

    If you live alone you may qualify for a 25% discount on your council tax, known as 'single occupancy discount'.
  • Housing strategy

    Plans for dealing with York's key housing issues have been drawn up in a regional housing strategy called the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding (YNYER) Housing Strategy (2015 to 2021).
  • NHS Healthy Start
  • Our Open Housing portal

    Our 'Open Housing' portal is for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless, council tenants and leaseholders, as well as contractors working with us to provide council housing.
  • Check which benefits you could get

    Use our benefits calculator to check what benefits you're entitled to and claim financial support to help with ongoing everyday living costs.
  • Housing revenue account business plan

    Housing revenue account business plan.
  • Affordable housing

    Information on affordable housing in York
  • Affordable housing completions

    Affordable housing completions in York.
  • Help with food