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Waste collection dates

Find information about waste collection dates for rubbish, recycling and garden waste.

See details of missed waste collections and when we will return for missed collections

You searched for cabinet in category Other

You could also try: executive council members

Results 1 – 10 of about 534.

  • Executive council members

    Information about your Executive Members of City of York Council; Executive is made up of 8 portfolios.
  • Webcasts of Executive

    Webcasts of Executive meetings
  • Elected representatives

    Find out how to contact your ward councillors, MP, or parish and town councils.
  • Utility boxes

    York's telecoms, internet, fibre, and power suppliers are responsible for repairing their own equipment, poles, covers, cabinets, utility boxes and connections.
  • Executive council members

    Information about your Executive Members of City of York Council; Executive is made up of 8 portfolios.
  • Parish council election results May 2023

    Details of election results for parish councils in the City of York Council area for 2023.
  • Overview and scrutiny

    Non-executive members of the council make recommendations to the Executive about improvements for residents; this is known as ‘overview and scrutiny’.
  • York's councillor induction programme

    York's councillor induction programme provides support and guidance to new, or returning, councillor members helping them to become familiar with the council and their role.
  • Members' Scheme of Allowances and Entitlements

    Information from the Council's Constitution detailing the Members' Scheme of Allowances and Entitlements.
  • Schools Forum membership

    Details of members of York Schools Forum, which is made up of representatives from schools and academies, and some non-school organisations.