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Results 241 – 250 of about 1108.

  • Living in York

    Rich in culture and heritage, York is a vibrant modern city...... The capital of Yorkshire and visited by 7 million people every year, York is recognised on a regional, national and international stage; the city has a huge amount to offer to residents and visitors.
  • Living in York

    Rich in culture and heritage, York is a vibrant modern city...... The capital of Yorkshire and visited by 7 million people every year, York is recognised on a regional, national and international stage; the city has a huge amount to offer to residents and visitors.
  • Accessibility Statement - Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support

    This accessibility statement applies to online services provided by City of York Council known as 'Citizen Access' for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support.
  • Council house modernisation programme

    City of York Council has about 7500 tenanted properties to which an annual modernisation programme is agreed each year within the Capital Projects Team.
  • Executive council members

    Information about your Executive Members of City of York Council; Executive is made up of 8 portfolios.
  • Executive council members

    Information about your Executive Members of City of York Council; Executive is made up of 8 portfolios.
  • Register of licensed caravan sites

    Details of caravan sites in the York Area licensed by City of York Council.
  • Council house modernisation programme

    City of York Council has about 7500 tenanted properties to which an annual modernisation programme is agreed each year within the Capital Projects Team.
  • Director of Public Health's Annual Report

    Director of Public Health City of York Council Annual Report 2015
  • Resident and tenant involvement

    Give feedback about City of York council housing services