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Results 331 – 340 of about 1108.

  • The natural environment

    York’s natural environment contributes 1.8% of the city’s overall emissions, with our agricultural areas on the front line of climate change being the first to feel its impacts.
  • Private sector housing fuel poverty report

    We carried out a private sector house conditions survey in 2008, which identified that there were in the region of 6,000 households living in fuel poverty within the city.
  • Student council tax discounts and exemptions

    Student council tax discount and exemptions.
  • Family Learning courses

    Family Learning courses at venues across the city provide an opportunity for you to brush up your own skills, or to help your children learn.
  • Temporary and interim work

    Jobs can be on a part or full time basis, across a range of work sectors for a variety of customers (including City of York Council).
  • Housing delivery programme

    Our Housing Delivery Programme will develop 600 high-quality new homes across York on council-owned sites, under the Shape Homes York brand.
  • Terms and conditions

    This website is maintained by City of York Council.
  • Who can apply for a council house

    Overview of the council housing allocation system - who can apply and how they are allocated.
  • Who can apply for a council house

    Overview of the council housing allocation system - who can apply and how they are allocated.
  • Applying for a council property

    Applying for a council property.