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Local Transport Strategy
The Local Transport Strategy will set out the a decade of ambitions for York’s transport network and infrastructure. -
Brief conversations about alcohol
The York Public Health team offer IBA training to frontline workers and volunteers across York, free of charge. -
Our Data Protection Policy Statement
This policy outlines the behaviours and responsibilities expected in order to ensure the council continues to fulfil its obligations under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and any other related legislation. -
Our Data Protection Policy Statement
This policy outlines the behaviours and responsibilities expected in order to ensure the council continues to fulfil its obligations under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and any other related legislation. -
Advertising and sponsorship policy
Our Advertising and Sponsorship Policy provides clear guidance on requirements related to advertising on council property and/or public estate, aimed at advertising agencies, organisation hoping to advertise on our property/public estate, and marketing, communication or sponsorship agencies aiming to use our public estate for commercial gain (such as licencing or promotion of specific events). -
Subdivision of dwellings
Converting buildings to flats is an important source of new housing in York and can give a new lease of life to existing buildings which might otherwise be redundant. -
Primary schools
This directory includes the location and contact details of all 63 publicly funded schools in York, as well the current admissions policy for each school, and number of pupils on roll. -
School admissions and oversubscription criteria
Our schools oversubscription criteria apply for all preferences to community and all non-faith academy schools in voluntary controlled schools and York. -
Secondary schools
This directory includes the location and contact details of all 63 publicly funded schools in York, as well the current admissions policy for each school, and number of pupils on roll. -
Special schools
This directory includes the location and contact details of all 63 publicly funded schools in York, as well the current admissions policy for each school, and number of pupils on roll.