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Freemen of the City of York
Freemen of the City of York have no privileges in the city, but once sworn in may join the 'Guild of Freemen' who take an interest in the affairs of the city. -
‘A’ Boards policy
Our ‘A' Boards policy sets out restrictions regarding the placement of free-standing advertising boards and details areas of York city centre where A-boards are prohibited. -
St George's Field signalised crossing -
Caring for the City Walls
We are responsible for caring for, and making accessible, York's City Walls. -
Becoming an anti-racist city
City of York Council has pledged to be an anti-racist council; we will use our resources and change what we do to actively dismantle racist structures and challenge racial inequality. -
City Walls Privacy Notice
Privacy notice for the City Walls service area. -
City centre access for vehicles
Information about our measures to combat potential vehicle attacks in York city centre. -
City centre access for vehicles
Information about our measures to combat potential vehicle attacks in York city centre. -
Contact ICT Security
What to do if you want to report a security issue about any of the electronic services provided by City of York Council. -
City centre access for vehicles
Information about our measures to combat potential vehicle attacks in York city centre.