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You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata , york city walls , the city walls , walls in bloom , city walls , york walls , bar walls
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Commercial procurement forward plan
Details of the council's commercial procurement forward plan. -
Health and wellbeing
Get information about health and wellbeing services available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access the right health services, by providing information and advice on available service providers in York and how to access support. -
Health and wellbeing
Get information about health and wellbeing services available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access the right health services, by providing information and advice on available service providers in York and how to access support. -
Moving to another property
Details of how to advise the council of a move into, out of or within York. -
Health and wellbeing
Get information about health and wellbeing services available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access the right health services, by providing information and advice on available service providers in York and how to access support. -
Health and wellbeing
Get information about health and wellbeing services available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access the right health services, by providing information and advice on available service providers in York and how to access support. -
Health and social care
Get information about our health and social care services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York receive appropriate care, by providing information and advice on adult social care, children's social care and support for carers. -
Environment and animals
Get information about environment and animal services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access environmental advice, by providing information and advice on looking after your local area and reporting environmental issues. -
Environment and animals
Get information about environment and animal services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access environmental advice, by providing information and advice on looking after your local area and reporting environmental issues. -
Food safety and standards
Get information about food and safety standards, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access food hygiene information, by providing information and advice on registering a new food premises and making a complaint or enquiry about a premises.