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Peer review
Every few years we invite experienced members and officers from other councils to visit us so they can assess how we're doing. -
Pest control advice
Find out more about treating pests yourself, and how to report rats and mice sightings to the council. -
Our publication scheme
Our 'publication scheme' describes how freedom of information works at the council, with the type of documents we publish acting as a guide to the 'classes of information' available. -
Review of councillors' allowances
What we pay elected councillors for, and the amount they are entitled to, is decided by 'Full Council' who in turn consult an Independent Remuneration Panel on recommendations for the 'Scheme of Allowances'. -
Pest control advice
Find out more about treating pests yourself, and how to report rats and mice sightings to the council. -
Taxi providers liaison meetings
Access minutes and agendas from meetings with the Independent Taxi Association (ITA), York Taxi Association (YTA), and with York Private Hire Association (YPHA). -
Taxi providers liaison meetings
Access minutes and agendas from meetings with the Independent Taxi Association (ITA), York Taxi Association (YTA), and with York Private Hire Association (YPHA). -
Public Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy
The York Public EV Charging Strategy was launched in March 2020, setting out the next phase of the delivery of York's EV charging network up to 2025. -
Wildlife advice
Three quarters of York is rural.... Even within urban York there are areas of 'countryside' such as the strays and the riverside ‘Ings’ land - these have considerable wildlife value. -
The Local Plan
In York 'The Local Plan' provides a clear framework to guide and promote development, and to protect the quality of York's unique historic, natural and built environment.